Signs of a Relapse: Schizoaffective Disorder Symptoms to Look For
A relapse is when the symptoms✱ of schizoaffective disorder worsen after a person in treatment has been feeling and acting better for a period of time. Some early warning signs that someone you care for may be headed for a relapse that may result in hospitalization include:
- Restless sleep
- Feeling tense or fearful
- Acting agitated, irritable, or quick-tempered
- Difficulty or inability to cope with simple, everyday tasks
- Excessive tiredness and lack of energy
- Loss of interest in activities
- Confusion or disordered thinking
- Reappearance or worsening of psychotic symptoms, such as delusions or hallucinations
If you notice any of these signs and suspect that symptoms may be getting worse, contact the doctor right away. Schizoaffective disorder can be a very unpredictable disease, and there is always the chance that a relapse may occur—even when a person is taking his or her medicine correctly. The earlier a relapse is recognized, the earlier it can be treated.
You may also want to ask if the person has stopped taking his or her medicine as the doctor instructed. Medication is an important part of any schizoaffective disorder treatment plan. If the answer is yes, ask why and make sure all answers are communicated to the Treatment Team.
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“ You can't not have the bumps and the heartaches and the being scared.”
—Jodie, Katie's mom