Working With Your Doctors and Treatment Team

Your doctors and Treatment Team are a group of people you know and trust—people you can turn to when you need them at any stage of your treatment. No matter what challenges you may face in managing your schizoaffective disorder, it’s good to know you have a strong network of support.

Learn more about potential members of your Treatment Team

Everyone’s Treatment Team is a bit different. Your team may include only some of the people described below.

Your Treatment Team


Your relationship with your psychiatrist is one of the most important parts of the treatment process. Your psychiatrist:
  • Diagnoses and treats mental health conditions, like schizoaffective disorder
  • May prescribe your medication
  • Is the doctor you should call first if you have questions about your treatment plan
  • If you think you may be experiencing side effects or symptoms, contact either your psychiatrist or primary care physician


Keep a list of any questions you think of between appointments and take it with you to your next appointment.

Communication and honesty are key

One of the best things you can do to build your relationship with your doctor and your Treatment Team is make sure you’re communicating. You know your goals best, and it’s important to share your thoughts and ideas so your Treatment Team can work with you to support your treatment plan.

You play an important role in your treatment

The more involved and committed you are, the more you’ll get out of your treatment plan. Your opinions and ideas really matter, so speak your mind and take action!

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